Revised COVID-19 Guidelines

Posted on Jun 28, 2021

Revised COVID-19 Guidelines

Throughout the pandemic, the Session has considered and reconsidered many of the ways we do church together – seeking to balance the need for safety with our needs for community, tradition, and faithful service. As we’ve discerned the restrictions and guidelines for this particular place and people, we’ve been guided by the number of cases present in Ottawa County, the advice offered by the CDC, and the restrictions put in place by the governor’s office and the Michigan Department of Health. 
At our meeting on Monday 6/21, we put all of these factors again to the test. Case numbers are extremely low in Ottawa County right now, the state of Michigan has removed the statewide mask mandate and capacity limits, and the CDC still advises some precautions (particularly in distancing and ventilation) to protect those who cannot yet be vaccinated. 
Knowing this, we made some significant revisions to our guidelines. Those updates are listed below. As long as case numbers remain low, vaccines hold steady, and CDC guidance stays the current course, these new guidelines will remain in effect – and the Session will reevaluate the situation after Labor Day. 
In full transparency: we pray that the day will never come that we would need to reinstate previous restrictions, but we are fully aware that the pandemic is far from over in most of the world. As long as COVID-19 continues to mutate into new variants, there remains a small risk even to those fully vaccinated. The Session remains committed to watching the situation diligently, and we hope and pray that we will be able to continue on this path toward a closer community. 

COVID-19 Revised Guidelines

Effective June 22, 2021
What’s New:
1. Masks are optional in the building at all times (including worship) for those who are fully vaccinated. If you are not yet fully vaccinated, we trust that you will continue to mask as appropriate.
2. Bibles and friendship pads will be returned to their places in the chairs. Pastor Sarah will remind us for the next several weeks to pass the friendship pads. 
3. Small groups (10 or fewer) may meet in the classrooms. 
4. After worship, ushers will not dismiss by rows – everyone can leave at their own pace. 5. Ushers are no longer required to wear gloves. 
What’s The Same:
1. The rows of chairs in the sanctuary will remain distanced and the offering plates will remain stationed in the back of the sanctuary.
2. We will continue to have fellowship time outside for the summer, with coffee and lemonade. 
3. The windows will remain open during worship to provide ventilation. 
4. We will continue to serve communion in the same way we have been, by coming forward to receive the bread and the cup.