Library Committee News: It’s Spring Reading Time

Posted on Mar 26, 2014

The Library Committee has been busy setting up the “new” library in the hall by the nursery and youth rooms – in what we refer to as Library Hall. The work is not done yet. There are several boxes of books to still be renumbered and put on the shelves. But, if you take a stroll down the hall to see the progress, you’ll note that all the books on the shelves are ready to be checked out. So let the reading beginning!!

Books are in several sections with little signs indicating what section you are looking in: Fiction, Nonfiction, Religious, Reference, Youth, Children, Pre-K. In each section, the books are in alphabetical order. The books on the shelves have a reference number on the end and on the cardholder inside the book. These reference numbers are for use in checking out the book.

There are also a couple shelves of used books in alphabetical order, which you can take. We request a donation for the used books with any donation being earmarked for the Library; however in the future we will be earmarking these donations for other happenings at Parkwood, such as the Listening Post. We are open to other ideas for these donations.

The check out process is simple. There’s a sign-out sheet on top of the shorter library shelf. Fill out the date, your name, and the book’s reference number. When you return the book(s), there’s a wicker basket “Book Deposit Box” on the shelving. Just place the returned book into the basket and cross your name off on the sign-out sheet. If you have used books to donate, you can also place them in the book deposit box.

Note: You will not find book cards in the card pockets inside the books because we have done away with those cards, but more on that later.